SOirresistible's Articles In Politics
November 12, 2004 by SOirresistible
I've gone map CRAZY. Purple, 3-dimensional, population density... There was a Purple America posted below, but it very, very few counties that were solidly blue or red, I know liberals like to be nuanced, but somethings, things just ARE black and white (or red and blue), I think we can all agree that is largely inaccurate because it gives the impression we're all living amongst each other, when really, Long Island is NOT the exact same shade of purple as Iowa City. I do think the USA Today...
November 12, 2004 by SOirresistible
... Link Unfortinately, his program is just for the liberals with their tinfoil hats on a little too tight (you know, the "Bush stole the election!" and "I'm moving to Canada!" ones). Hopefully mine will catch on faster, it's much easier: 1. The first step is intervention: isolate the liberal and take away any/all Michael Moore propaganda. This first step is called Penetrating their Forcefield of Sheer Irrationality. 2. Recovering liberal: now you must get a job, work hard at it...